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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Officer Position

I have officially applied to be the Webminister for Trinovantia Nova, which means that, should the populous agree to give me the position, I will be responsible for the Trino Website. I have also told Krow (our current Herald) that I will act as his deputy with the possibility of becoming Trino's Herald.

When I began my journey with the SCA I didn't think I'd really want to hold an officer's position, however now that I have been a member for some time, I find myself wanting to do more to make Trino as successful a group as possible. There were some pushing for me to put in for the Seneschal instead of the Webminister, however I don't think I can do it justice, even with the assistance of the ever capable Wulfgang, so I think, for now, I'll stick to areas I am comfortable with.

Technically the position of Webminister is held by Dante de Valencia, however he hasn't been to a meeting since taking the position, and the site is sorely out of date. I don't want to usurp anyone's position, however I believe its time we started keeping things as up to date as possible.

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